this is a example code showing you how to get the ip of the default gateway via netlink socket. I've also attached some useful information if you want to study netlink
Sample Code To Learn Netlink Infrastructure
understanding and programming with netlink sockets(PDF)reference:
man 3 rtnetlink, man 7 rtnetlink, man 3 netlink, man 7 netlink
example code:
#include <asm/types.h> #include <netinet/ether.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <linux/netlink.h> #include <linux/rtnetlink.h> #include <sys/types.h> #define BUFSIZE 8192 char gateway[255]; struct route_info{ u_int dstAddr; u_int srcAddr; u_int gateWay; char ifName[IF_NAMESIZE]; }; int readNlSock(int sockFd, char *bufPtr, int seqNum, int pId){ struct nlmsghdr *nlHdr; int readLen = 0, msgLen = 0; do{ /* Recieve response from the kernel */ if((readLen = recv(sockFd, bufPtr, BUFSIZE - msgLen, 0)) < 0){ perror("SOCK READ: "); return -1; } nlHdr = (struct nlmsghdr *)bufPtr; /* Check if the header is valid */ if((NLMSG_OK(nlHdr, readLen) == 0) || (nlHdr->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR)) { perror("Error in recieved packet"); return -1; } /* Check if the its the last message */ if(nlHdr->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE) { break; } else{ /* Else move the pointer to buffer appropriately */ bufPtr += readLen; msgLen += readLen; } /* Check if its a multi part message */ if((nlHdr->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_MULTI) == 0) { /* return if its not */ break; } } while((nlHdr->nlmsg_seq != seqNum) || (nlHdr->nlmsg_pid != pId)); return msgLen; } /* For printing the routes. */ void printRoute(struct route_info *rtInfo) { char tempBuf[512]; /* Print Destination address */ if(rtInfo->dstAddr != 0) strcpy(tempBuf, (char *)inet_ntoa(rtInfo->dstAddr)); else sprintf(tempBuf,"*.*.*.*\t"); fprintf(stdout,"%s\t", tempBuf); /* Print Gateway address */ if(rtInfo->gateWay != 0) strcpy(tempBuf, (char *)inet_ntoa(rtInfo->gateWay)); else sprintf(tempBuf,"*.*.*.*\t"); fprintf(stdout,"%s\t", tempBuf); /* Print Interface Name*/ fprintf(stdout,"%s\t", rtInfo->ifName); /* Print Source address */ if(rtInfo->srcAddr != 0) strcpy(tempBuf, (char *)inet_ntoa(rtInfo->srcAddr)); else sprintf(tempBuf,"*.*.*.*\t"); fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", tempBuf); } void printGateway() { printf("%s\n", gateway); } /* For parsing the route info returned */ void parseRoutes(struct nlmsghdr *nlHdr, struct route_info *rtInfo) { struct rtmsg *rtMsg; struct rtattr *rtAttr; int rtLen; char *tempBuf = NULL; tempBuf = (char *)malloc(100); rtMsg = (struct rtmsg *)NLMSG_DATA(nlHdr); /* If the route is not for AF_INET or does not belong to main routing table then return. */ if((rtMsg->rtm_family != AF_INET) || (rtMsg->rtm_table != RT_TABLE_MAIN)) return; /* get the rtattr field */ rtAttr = (struct rtattr *)RTM_RTA(rtMsg); rtLen = RTM_PAYLOAD(nlHdr); for(;RTA_OK(rtAttr,rtLen);rtAttr = RTA_NEXT(rtAttr,rtLen)){ switch(rtAttr->rta_type) { case RTA_OIF: if_indextoname(*(int *)RTA_DATA(rtAttr), rtInfo->ifName); break; case RTA_GATEWAY: rtInfo->gateWay.s_addr = *(u_int *)RTA_DATA(rtAttr); break; case RTA_PREFSRC: rtInfo->srcAddr.s_addr = *(u_int *)RTA_DATA(rtAttr); break; case RTA_DST: rtInfo->dstAddr.s_addr = *(u_int *)RTA_DATA(rtAttr); break; } } //printf("%s\n", (char *)inet_ntoa(rtInfo->dstAddr)); if (strstr((char *)inet_ntoa(rtInfo->dstAddr), "")) sprintf(gateway, (char *)inet_ntoa(rtInfo->gateWay)); //printRoute(rtInfo); free(tempBuf); return; } int main() { struct nlmsghdr *nlMsg; struct rtmsg *rtMsg; struct route_info *rtInfo; char msgBuf[BUFSIZE]; int sock, len, msgSeq = 0; char buff[1024]; /* Create Socket */ if((sock = socket(PF_NETLINK, SOCK_DGRAM, NETLINK_ROUTE)) < 0) perror("Socket Creation: "); /* Initialize the buffer */ memset(msgBuf, 0, BUFSIZE); /* point the header and the msg structure pointers into the buffer */ nlMsg = (struct nlmsghdr *)msgBuf; rtMsg = (struct rtmsg *)NLMSG_DATA(nlMsg); /* Fill in the nlmsg header*/ nlMsg->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct rtmsg)); // Length of message. nlMsg->nlmsg_type = RTM_GETROUTE; // Get the routes from kernel routing table . nlMsg->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_DUMP | NLM_F_REQUEST; // The message is a request for dump. nlMsg->nlmsg_seq = msgSeq++; // Sequence of the message packet. nlMsg->nlmsg_pid = getpid(); // PID of process sending the request. /* Send the request */ if(send(sock, nlMsg, nlMsg->nlmsg_len, 0) < 0){ printf("Write To Socket Failed...\n"); return -1; } /* Read the response */ if((len = readNlSock(sock, msgBuf, msgSeq, getpid())) < 0) { printf("Read From Socket Failed...\n"); return -1; } /* Parse and print the response */ rtInfo = (struct route_info *)malloc(sizeof(struct route_info)); /* THIS IS THE NETTSTAT -RL code I commented out the printing here and in parse routes */ //fprintf(stdout, "Destination\tGateway\tInterface\tSource\n"); for(;NLMSG_OK(nlMsg,len);nlMsg = NLMSG_NEXT(nlMsg,len)){ memset(rtInfo, 0, sizeof(struct route_info)); parseRoutes(nlMsg, rtInfo); } free(rtInfo); close(sock); printGateway(); return 0; }